
Nicolas Tourney (born in Ivry-sur-Seine, France, in 1982) is an experimental musician, mixed-media artist and manager of the label Snow in Water Records. 

His first soundworks were essentially complex drones, which sounds like studies on pure electricity and frequency spectra. These are landscapes made of microtonal visions, where acoustic phenomena and memory topography shape the listener's perception of music and noise. His compositions presents tones stretched to the point of highlighting microscopic events: the listener is led to witness the moment, to see these intervals between two visions, to inhabit these spaces made of pulsed waves.

Originally working in musical/instrumental field, Nicolas Tourney's approach of sounds has moved to an in-between area made of writings (about audio feedback, listening theory & direct perception, unheard, background noise, audient ontology), events-oriented scores and albums.

His studio (also a space for Snow In Water) is actually based at the French/Spanish border, at the foot of Mount Valier.

His soundworks have been broadcast since 2018, and he has released albums at a dozen labels in Europe and North America.

"As a teenager, I found an electric refuge in the guitar to satisfy my need for solitude. I was experiencing being struck down, passing to the other side, burning my instincts. I was looking for a freedom in which to explore the wall of noise as if to cross it. Electricity was experience. The ear was attentive to the slightest sound, to the mechanical rustling, to the muffled harmonies escaping from the instrument. Later, I spent my high school hours drawing acoustic patterns, which I applied in my room each night: noise was then a matter of transformations, paths, deviations and wanderings. Have had a great influence on my approach to music, those hours when sound moved this body in a universe made of high frequencies and sound stars."

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